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Vincent Cheng proposed "Well‑Being" design guidelines for public rental estates

July 4, 2023

In the previous year's Policy Address, the Chief Executive put forth a proposal to develop "Well-Being" design guidelines for public housing, along with selecting five existing housing estates for significant renovations as a pilot project. As part of this endeavor, the Housing Bureau is preparing to initiate a public consultation process. Today (July 4), Vincent Cheng, DAB LegCo member, had a meeting with Victor Tai, the Under Secretary for Housing, to advocate for the implementation of "Well-Being" design guidelines in public housing. This would involve incorporating elements of health and vitality, renovating and beautifying estate sports fields and other recreational facilities, and introducing additional fitness amenities.

Vincent Cheng expressed that the DAB has consistently advocated for the enhancement and refurbishment of facilities in older housing estates. This includes the addition of more recreational and fitness amenities, as well as the renovation of aging sports fields to cater to the needs of the public, particularly the younger generation. These efforts aim to foster a greater sense of belonging among residents towards their respective housing estates.

He further proposed that, in the integration of health and vitality elements, reference should be made to recent successful renovations such as the Kai Yep Recreation Centre and Tuen Mun H.A.N.D.S Roller Skates Stadium, or even draw inspiration from international practices. By doing so, estate sports fields can be transformed, presenting a fresh and appealing appearance. Additionally, rooftop spaces in parking lots could be utilized to create attractive and aesthetically pleasing sports facilities, incorporating elements of public art within the design.

These suggestions put forth by Vincent Cheng seek to promote the well-being and contentment of residents in public housing by creating vibrant and dynamic living environments.

Media enquiry:

Vincent Cheng, LegCo member, Chairman of Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports (6373 1979)


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