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DAB responded to enforcement of fire safety regulations in old buildings

April 16, 2024

The risks arising from old buildings not fully complying with fire safety regulations and building inspection orders were revealed in the incident of the fatal fire. The Chief Executive ordered work to strengthen fire prevention, including submitting amendment to the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance to the LegCo in two to three months. LegCo member Vincent Cheng welcomed this.

Government expressed that they would strengthen law enforcement, and review and formulate priorities for law enforcement work. Vincent Cheng stated the Development Bureau accepted our suggestion last year and established a tripartite coordination mechanism. The Development Bureau would coordinate and work with the Buildings Department, the Home Affairs Department and the Urban Renewal Authority to step up the handling of cases of failure to comply with building inspection and fire protection orders. He hoped that the Government would make good use of this coordination mechanism to encourage more owners of old buildings to comply with building inspection and fire safety orders to protect the safety of residents.

Media contact:  LegCo member Vincent Cheng 63731979


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