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DAB’s responses to new entry facilitation measures for Hong Kong students

August 22, 2022

The Education Bureau announced today entry facilitation measures for Hong Kong students going to study in the mainland. The Guangdong provincial authority had Hong Kong students covered under the compassionate quotas for travelling at land boundary control points between Guangdong and Hong Kong. Following proactive co-ordination by the Central Government, more passenger flights between Hong Kong and various Mainland cities would be arranged with priority given to Hong Kong students to book tickets. A minority of students might remain unable to register with the institutions they had enrolled in as scheduled. With the co-ordination by the Ministry of Education, the related institutions would adopt flexible measures to retain students' eligibility to study and arrange online classes.

The DAB welcomed and supported the arrangement and expressed its gratitude to the Central Government for caring for Hong Kong students. The DAB urged students in need to prepare the required information and documents in advance, and to complete the form specified by the government before Friday. We hoped that the authorities in the mainland and Hong Kong would work together efficiently and notify the students of the results as soon as possible after receiving the information and approving the applications.

The above latest arrangements provided support for Hong Kong students who are able to travel alone. The DAB hoped that the government would continue discussions with the mainland government to introduce facilitation measures which allow students aged 14 or below travelling with family or relatives to be covered under travel quota, for them to pursue their studies in the mainland.

Media enquiry:

DAB Education Spokesperson, LegCo member Lillian Kwok (5541 8128)


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