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"Safeguarding Hong Kong and understanding the law" - Online Lecture held on National Security Education DayTeachers and students from more than 140 schools participated

April 15, 2024

This year marked the 10th anniversary of the introduction of the overall concept of national security. Today was also the first National Security Education Day after the implementation of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance in Hong Kong. The DAB and Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers held online lecture on National Security Education Day "Safeguarding Hong Kong and understanding the law". New Territories School Heads Association and Kowloon Region School Heads Association and Hong Kong Island School Heads Association supported this. Guest speakers for the lecture included Secretary for Security Christ Tang, HKSAR deputy to the NPC and HKFEW Chairman Wong Kam Leung, DAB vice chairman and LegCo member Holden Chow. Action and Publicity Committee vice chairman Jack Cheung hosted the lecture, and introduced the National Security Law and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance. More than 140 teachers and students from schools participated.


Chris Tang expressed that he would continue to explain the laws to the public. The law was drafted in the same way as other common laws, and stipulated exceptions and defenses. Law-abiding citizens would not be caught by mistake.

Wong Kam Leung talked about the importance of safeguarding national security from a macro perspective. It was also important to cultivate a safe environment in schools and nurture students' sense of citizenship and responsibility.

Holden Chow said that national security was closely related to economic development. Without security and stability, society would have difficulty promoting economic development and improving people's livelihood. Now that Hong Kong had enacted the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, the society could focus on economic development.


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