April 9, 2024
The Chief Executive announced that Hong Kong had successfully purchased telecast rights for the Paris Olympics and Paralympics. The DAB supported this and thanked the Chief Executive for accepting our recommendations from last year. The citizens could watch and cheer for the Hong Kong team, and enjoy the games.
Vincent Cheng welcomed that the Leisure and Cultural Services Department would arrange for live broadcasts. The public could gather and cheer for the athletes.
Brave Chan recommended that we should promote Olympic-related activities and products before the games. He believed that the time difference would not have a big impact, and citizens could support the Chinese national team and the Hong Kong team.

Media contact:
Vincent Cheng, DAB LegCo member and DAB Home Affairs, Culture and Sports
Spokesperson 6373 1979
Brave Chan, convener of HK NPC deputies, and LegCo member, 9668 6095