August 30, 2022
Foreign Domestic Helpers (FDHs) played an important supporting role for many Hong Kong families. In recent years, issues related to FDHs often led to heated discussions in the community. The DAB released the "Policy Initiatives for Improving the Policy on Foreign Domestic Helpers" to put forward suggestions to resolve difficult issues. The recommendations were summarized as follows:

Establish a FDH Authority
The Authority is responsible to handle FDHs matters, including answering enquiries from and providing assistance to FDHs.
Review the Standard Employment Contract (ID407) to clarify the standard of fitness for FDHs, travel expenses to be borne by employers upon termination or expiry of FDHs contracts, and arrangements for rest days, statutory holidays and paid annual leave.
Introduce new guidelines on loans for FDHs, and set limits on loans
Provide tax deduction for expenses of employing FDHs, such as medical examination fees, training courses and salary paid
Establish FDH Centres which would be open to FDHs during holidays
Regulate FDH agencies
FDH agencies must be accredited by the consulate of the place of origin
Revise the Code of Practice for Employment Agencies to set out clearly the fees for each service and terms of payment arrangements, guarantee terms and refund/other arrangements
Establish a rating system for FDH employment agencies for employers’ reference
Step up efforts to combat non-compliant FDH employment agencies and "job-hopping" FDHs
Regulate FDH boarding facilities operated by employment agencies
Set up training courses and provide more information
Arrange "FDH Training Course" and "Employers' Orientation Course on Employment of FDHs"
Set up information website specifically for employers and FDHs to provide latest information.
Media enquiry:
DAB LegCo member and Family Affairs Committee Chairperson Frankie Ngan(6600 2511)