Qver a million Hong Kong residents have registered for the reusable mask by the end of the first day application. DAB Deputy Secretary General and Kwun Tong District Councillor Frankie NGAN pointed out that the demand for masks is still very strong and the whole application process is fairly streamlined and effective. However, the application process is still a big challenge for many seniors.
Frankie NGAN urges the government to mail these reusable masks by post directly to recipients of OAA, CSSA, low-income working family allowance and public housing residents via Social Welfare Department and Housing Department so as to reduce the administrative costs for both the government and the people.
Frankie also suggest the government to open up application stations or Home Affairs Enquiry Centres, Housing Authority offices, LCSD Sports Centres and libraries to help those who are not able to register online!
Media Inquiries: Frankie Ngan (6600 2511)