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The DAB opposed the British’s unfounded remark about the Article 23 legislation and interfering in China's internal affairs

March 21, 2024

The LegCo passed the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance unanimously and successfully enacted the Article 23, safeguarding national security and fulfilling its constitutional obligation.  The Hong Kong people had full confidence in this. The DAB opposed the  Foreign Secretary David Cameron’s smearing about the Article 23 legislation and defaming the democracy and rule of law in the Hong Kong SAR, and "one country, two systems".

Safeguarding National Security Ordinance was carefully scrutinized. The offence components were clear, and punishments appropriate. The Ordinance respected and protected human rights, and safeguarded the rights and freedoms conferred by the Basic Law and relevant international conventions applicable to Hong Kong. The National Security in UK had many stringent provisions, including vaguely defined definitions and unclear enforcement powers. The British should reflect on its double standards.

The core essence of the Sino-British Joint Declaration is about China's resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong. It did not authorise the UK to interfere in Hong Kong's affairs after its return to the motherland. We urge the British to abide by international law and basic norms of international relations, and stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs which are entirely China's internal affairs.

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