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DAB discussed animal welfare with Agriculture Fisheries and Conservation Department

February 2, 2023

DAB LegCo members Edward Lau and Gary Chan continuously followed up on animal welfare issues. They met with the Director of the Agriculture Fisheries and Conservation Department together with representatives from NGOs concerned about animal welfare to discuss animal welfare issues.

Issues discussed during the meeting:

  1. Implement TNR (Trap–neuter–return) on feral animals and to increase designated trial sites of TNR

  2. Urge the government to amend the Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Trading and Breeding) Regulations to include cats in the scope of relevant regulations

  3. Amend the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance to enforce heavier penalties for committing cruelty to animals

  4. Pay more attention to the problem of online illegal animal trading

Edward Lau said that he would press ahead with the amendment of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance and Code of Practice for Animal Traders in this coming year. He would work together with organizations and volunteers concerned about animal welfare to follow up on the implementation of the ordinances to defend animal rights.


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