Aug 21, 20221 min

Price changes of supermarket goods during the epidemic are found unreasonable

August 22, 2022

DAB Supermarket Price Watch (The Watch) found out in a survey that the prices of some supermarket goods increased significantly by 40% during the two years of epidemic. In fact, supermarkets which sell many goods of daily necessity were not adversely affected while Hong Kong’s retail industry was hardly hit by the epidemic. Many reports revealed that supermarkets might even have significant increase in revenue. The Watch convenor and DAB LegCo member Frankie Ngan considered it unreasonable for supermarkets to introduce price increase.

He proposed the following recommendations and urged the government to protect the interests of consumers.

  1. Urge supermarkets to enhance sense of togetherness with citizens

  2. The Housing Department should curb regional monopoly by supermarket when negotiating leases of shops in housing estates

  3. Formulate guidelines on price tag to prevent sleight-of-hand in pricing

  4. Review existing legislation related to consumer protection to prevent supermarkets from dishonestly pricing and promoting their goods

  5. Strengthen the role of the Competition Commission

  6. The Consumer Council should provide more data to help the public understand price trends

Media enquiries:

DAB LegCo member Frankie Ngan 6600 2511

DAB Community Officer Tsang Wing Fai 6185 1698